Gifts Gallery

Happy Sibling Day Julie, we love & miss you lots xxx 💜🌈
Kim and Lee 10th April 2024
Happy Easter Julie, love you lots xxx 🌈💜
Sending you Happy Birthday wishes Julie, always thinking of you, forever loved & missed xxx 🌻🌈💜
Sending love & hugs to you today xxx 💜🌈
Wishing we could share a yummy chocolate easter egg x 💜
Sending you lots of love Julie on your birthday x 💜
Dancing with Dad on New Years Eve, love and miss you both so much xx ❤💜🦓🦋🌈
Thinking of you today on Remembrance Sunday, Lefty is going to St Georges Park & will be wearing a poppy for you xx ❤
For you Julie, you always wore your poppy with pride x ❤
What more can I say.
Little Julie 19th August 2022
You might be gone from this earth but you will always be in our hearts 💕
Steph, Malcolm and Calum 8th August 2022
Will love and miss you everyday Julie x 💜